Image titled 'Member Spotlight'. The text reads: 'Meet Luciana Bizzozero: Embracing creativity, art, and wellness.' There is a photo of Luciana Bizzozero smiling on the right side.

A Journey of Creativity and Connection

member spotlight

Meet Luciana Bizzozero, a versatile designer, artist, and massage therapist who sees art in everything she does. I’ve known Lu for some years now - we met in Milan and have kept in touch even though she is now based in Argentina. Luciana, or Lu, blends creativity and compassion in her work, providing clients with profound, soul-touching experiences. She created the branding for two of my businesses and has collaborated with me on several website projects. Lu is not just a professional connection - she’s become an integral part of Your Digital Garden, actively participating in our community and regularly co-working with us, bringing her unique insights and thoughtfulness to every session.

Lu's Q & A

What do you do?

I'm a Designer and Artist (also a massage therapist! I consider massage an art). Art is a profound way to connect with our emotions, offering a moment of introspection and awakening in a world overwhelmed by information and stress.

Why do you do what you do?

Everything that has to do with creating or creativity is at my core and is my passion. This drive led me to art and design, where I can channel my creativity into meaningful experiences and connections through my work.

What do you find most rewarding about your work?

Making people feel better, happier, after receiving something from me. Whether that’s a design, art, or a massage, my goal is to touch people's souls and make them feel better.

What is the best thing about running your own business?

Feeling free. Setting my own pace and managing my own time.

What have you found most challenging about running your own business?

The same: feeling free. Setting my own pace and managing my own time! Maintaining strict discipline and a routine can be challenging without a boss or a corporate environment.

What strategies have helped you move forward in your business?

Networking and building strong relationships with clients and colleagues have opened up new opportunities. Learning how to quote accurately, discussing pricing with colleagues, and regularly updating my fees ensure that my rates reflect my skills and the value I provide. Periodically checking the value of my time helps me stay competitive and fair in my pricing. Offering the best to my clients: focusing on delivering a good and honest product ensures that my clients always receive value and quality.

If you could go back to when you first started your business, what advice would you give yourself?

"Don't compare yourself to others: you're unique." This is something I still have to remind myself of every day, as it's easy to forget. I would also advise embracing every client and every experience, even the ones that don’t turn out as expected. After some years, I'm realizing bad results don't exist; each experience is a blessing and brings valuable knowledge and growth.

What resource would you like to share?

  • The Clockify app helps me track time spent with each project.
  • @dailystoic - one of many Instagram accounts I follow. Stoic philosophy helps me focus and return to what is important. When I feel lost, it helps me regain my center and stay grounded.

Where’s the best place to connect with you?

Follow me on Instagram @lubizzdesign.

If you’d like to chat about custom artwork or branding, you can email me at [email protected].

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