
Let's Chat!

Are you a values-driven freelancer or solo business owner looking to make a positive impact with your business? Do you want a clear, actionable plan that feels right and is aligned with your values? You're in the right place.

I help small online business owners like you streamline their ideas and boost their business with practical, personalized steps. Imagine having a clear path forward, where every step you take brings you closer to your goals, and every decision you make feels just right. Together, we can make that happen.

What We Can Achieve Together


Clarity and Focus: Together, we'll cut through the noise and identify what truly matters to you and your business. You'll have a clear vision and a focused plan of action that aligns with your values and aspirations. 

Confidence and Control: With a personalized strategy in place, you'll feel more confident about your business offerings, knowing they deliver real benefits to your clients. You'll be in control, making informed decisions that drive your business forward.

Support and Encouragement: You're not alone on this journey. I'll be here to guide you, offering support and encouragement every step of the way. Whether it's celebrating wins or navigating challenges, we'll face it together.

You'll also have optional access to my exclusive community - Your Digital Garden, for the duration of our work together. Here's a snapshot of what some founding members think: 

  • "It's my favorite online place." - Bianca González 
  • "The YDG is my happy place" - Dr Amina Douidi 
  • "It's giving me a big boost of enthusiasm." - Luciana Bizzozero 
  • "A wonderful and supportive community" - Andrea de Matos West

Ready to Take Your Next Strategic Step?


Let's get started with a free consultation. We'll talk about your current challenges, your goals, and how we can work together to achieve them. No pressure, just a friendly chat to see if we're a good fit.

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Let's chat

Contact me for an obligation-free consultation

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You can choose from one of the packages below,
or book a chat to tailor a package to your needs.

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