Strategic Business Support

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10 hours of personalized, flexible help

Imagine having the support you need, exactly when you need it - whether you’re stuck on strategy, overwhelmed by tech, or just need someone to keep you focused. This 10-hour package offers dedicated, flexible business support that works for you, giving you the space to gain clarity, make real progress, and feel in control of your business. You’ll be able to take action in a way that fits your unique pace and style.

How it works

Synchronous Support: You can book live, interactive sessions where we work side by side on your most pressing business needs. Choose session lengths that work for you - whether it’s a quick 30-minute brainstorm or a deeper 2-hour dive into your strategy.

Asynchronous Support: For more flexibility, submit questions or work (like website copy, marketing emails, or a project outline), and I’ll give detailed feedback that fits into your timeline. This way, you can move forward even when you don’t have time for a live call. Each request will count toward your 10-hour package, tracked in clear increments (e.g., 15 minutes), so you always know how much time remains.

Who this is for

This is perfect for solopreneurs who:

  • Have ADHD or work best with accountability: You’ll get structured support to help keep you on track and break big tasks into manageable pieces.
  • Prefer flexible, ongoing support: You can use your 10 hours as you need - whether for live strategy sessions or feedback on your time.
  • Struggle with focus or feel overwhelmed by big projects: We’ll work together to create clarity, structure, and a path forward.

What we can work on

  • Business Clarity: Align your offers, messaging, or client strategy with your goals.
  • Marketing & Visibility Strategy: Craft strategies that inspire you to show up authentically.
  • Tech & Systems Setup: Simplify the tools and systems in your business and create a clear plan for implementation.
  • Project Completion: Whether it’s a website revamp or a sales page, I’ll provide feedback and support to get it done.

Clear expectations for support

  • Time Tracking: I’ll track both live and asynchronous time in clear blocks, so you know exactly where your hours are going. Requests for feedback will be tracked in 15-minute increments to ensure your time is used wisely.
  • Response Time: For asynchronous requests, you’ll receive feedback within 24-48 hours. This gives you the flexibility to work on your schedule while still getting timely support.
  • Scope & Boundaries: While this package includes strategic guidance, tech setup advice, and feedback on your projects, it’s important to note that deep technical fixes or design work aren’t included. If you’re unsure about something, feel free to email me for clarity before booking!

Your investment

10 hours of personalized business support: €547
Ready to make meaningful progress at your own pace? Let’s make it happen, together!

Book now for €547

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or book a chat to tailor a package to your needs.

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